Call us crazy, but we really believe that life is better together. We need people to cheer us on, support us, and believe with us. At Thrive, we do that through Thrive Tribes. Whether you're seeking Godly friends, trying to grow in your marriage, or learning more about God's Word, there is a group for you!
Tammy McKibbin
Book Needed : The Abba Factor: Knowing Yourself Through the Father's Eyes
Wednesdays 6pm
Nathan Herrington
Kingdom Builders
Entrepreneurs who want to know how to lead businesses as Kingdom Builders
E-Myth Revisited and the Holy Bible
Wednesdays 5:15am
Hope For Girls
Get ready to have some fun while we serve the young women in Kenya!
We will meet each week to sew hygiene kits for the girls in Kenya. These kits are distributed by Hope Springs.
Tuesdays 6:00pm
Deb Reeves
Ali Herrington
Monday Morning Devo
Join us for Coffee and devotional. We will be studying a planfrom Youversion
Monday 8:00am
Ali Herrington
Prison Tribe
This is a foundational Tribe for Discipleship. The material used will come from Jimmy Evans book, "10 Steps Toward Christ".
Chris Bracken
Marriage Tribe
Community for marriages to grow and thrive!
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Daniel & Stephanie
Marriage Tribe 2
Community for marriages to grow and thrive!
Mondays 6pm
Christian and Lauren Reed
James: Living the Christian Life
Study of James verse by verse, we will learn how to live the Christian life 24/7
Mondays 9am
Yvette Kaufman
This Tribe will come together in community to review the current week’s message, discuss how to apply and do life together! It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, male or female, married or single – all are welcome!
Thursdays 6pm
Patti Turner
Spiritual Growth, Family Enrichment
This Tribe will meet via Zoom
Tuesday 5:30pm
Sunshine Feagins